Monday 6 May 2013

Outdoor Play

The weather here has been amazing the last week and it's looking like it's going to stay a while.  We have been taking full advantage.  We have a huge deck which is perfect for playing outside.  We have been having snack outside as well as playing with balls, pushing strollers and ride on bumble bees!
Here are some other activities.
Water play.  This is always a hit with all children.  Just a combo of bowls, cups, spoons and a whisk and you can just sit back and watch while the littles go to town!
While Baby J was napping I set up this rice transferring activity for Sweetpea.  The aim of this activity was not actually to practise transferring per say but to really develop her focus and concentration.  It worked like a charm.  Not only did she transfer with her hands from bowl to bowl she also experimented with pouring.  Sweetpea ended up focusing and manipulating the rice for 25 minutes which is a record for her!!

 There is major excitement at our house at the moment as we are having our backyard landscaped.  This morning there were diggers and dump trucks working.  The littles were fascinated and the noise for any vehicle right now is "brrm brrm" so we had a chorus of brrm brrms all day long!
Another popular activity as you can see by the brush in Sweetpea's hand is scrubbing the deck!  Too funny.