Tuesday 20 November 2012

More baby art and butterfly mobile

L and I made these leaf prints back in October for the space above Baby J's change table.  This picture is not the best but they are made up of a rainbow of beautiful fall colors.
I decided I wanted to make a butterfly mobile for above Baby J's bed like the one in the Micheal Olaf catalogue.  When I started doing some research on the computer I came across this SUPER COOL idea.  These butterflies are all made out of a recycled milk jug!! All you do is cut out pieces from a washed milk jug and tape them on top of the butterfly templates found on this blog.  L colored in the colors with permanent markers and then I traced the outlines with a black marker.  We cut them out and wound a thin pipe cleaner around the body using a couple beads for the abdomen and head.

 The super tricky part was trying to balance them to hang.  I ended up cutting four small pieces of invisible thread and glue gunning them to the top side of each of the wings.  I tied the four pieces together and then tied a longer line on to hang them.  Super complicated but they balance perfectly and are really stable.
The milk jug butterfly mobile was a hit with both L and Baby J!  


  1. Love the butterfly mobile. I also love how you have L involved in projects for J. I am dying to know how you did the leaf prints, they are beautiful!

    1. Hi Inhaling Hope. We just put different colors of paint on a cookie sheet swirled together a bit then lay the leaves in the paint and pressed them on the canvas. So simple and beautiful!

  2. What a cute idea! I love the fact that you involved your older one in the making... :-)

    Greetings from Montreal,
