Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Exploring our new home

Now that the weather is really nice we've "shelved"  Montessori shelf activities for a while and taken the opportunity to explore our new home.  Instead we've been doing more I guess what you would call life school.
L has been really enjoying playing in her new sandbox practicing pouring, digging, sieving, burying and many other things.  Talk about the ultimate sensory box!  Adding water is always fun as well!

We've also been spending tons of time at the beach.  Experimenting with what sinks or floats in the ocean, learning about shells, sand dollars and crabs.  Making towers out of flat beach rocks and playing in the water with friends.  Watching the tide come in and wash away our sandcastle villages.  This is what life is all about : )

L has also been helping Granny water the plants every night and taking care of our vegetable garden.  Learning the hard way that we aren't the only ones who like lettuces!
I know that this "break" has been good for both of us but I also know that I can't go too long without making up an activity or two ; )
I've also been enjoying reading all of your posts and am excited to try out some of the great activities you've all been doing with your kiddos!


  1. these activities sound wonderful and soulful. exploring and playing with nature is an incredible way to learn.

  2. I love it when you study through NATURE. Beautiful!

  3. Beautiful! :-)

    Hope you're having a great week!

  4. Great sandbox. We still have a small one (the classic plastic turtle) but I am hoping to upgrade soon. We'll be planting our new veggie garden this week, so that should fill the sensory/dirt need, too...
