L seems to have hit her stride when it comes to cleaning. She is really into sweeping and wiping with her sponge at the moment. It's a sad reflection when your kid cleans more than you do ; ) Maybe she's trying to tell me something!

She cleaned the whole hallway like this.
I found this cool cutlery set from
Ikea the other day. It's supposed to be for play but it's safe for food so we're going to use it. First we started with a sorting activity and then we put it into her cupboard.

I decided about a month ago to dedicate a cupboard for L's meal things. It was quite a sacrifice as we're very space challenged in this house. Now all of the pots are crammed into the other side of the cupboard and keep creeping back over. Anyway this is the finished result. I've also just started using a small picture and glass with her. It's taken us so long
because every time I've tried before she just completely messes about with the water even though she knows how to drink it properly. I've decided to try and have a bit more patience this time and keep with it for a bit.
It's all coming together! Potty, cleaning up, increased focus... Yay. Way to go Mommy and L.! I for one think you're doing a great job! Proud to call you a great friend!
Ahh you're making me tear up! Well things are happening lets put it that way. With a lot a patience from me. L hasn't had any accidents in a few days and will go to the potty by herself sometimes now! Yeah
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