She was much happier, although the activity quickly dissolved (literally) into a lot of sucking and licking. I just left her to it and went and did the dishes. She had a great time.

After reading Making of a Montessori Mum's post on circle time a while ago I got all inspired and decided to try having one with L. Well after diner one night it was just the two of us with lots of time before bed so I though yes I'll have an impromptu circle time. I got L all excited about the idea and put some instruments in a basket. We got the floor mat out and sat down and I began singing a song. Well after I'd finished and was all proud of myself L asked, "Mommy where's the circle?" Once again Duh! So I quickly grabbed bear and doll and added them to the circle. We passed them out some instruments and I did the pleases and thank yous for them. We sang another song together using the instruments and then L took one of the maracas from bear looking at me like, well he's not using it is he! We did a few more songs and then finished. L asked me once again where the circle was so I tried to draw one around us with my finger to show her. I realised it looked a lot more like a square.
So in conclusion (having been outsmarted by a 20 month old again) I'm either going to leave circle time for a bit or call it something else!
LOL! she is so funny and cluey. (:
We did not have that prob cos at her Monti playgroup they have a circle time and I think she just associates it with sitting down, singing and doing a little activity or so...not so much the shape.
Maybe song time, sharing time or something might work better for your smart chickie.
PS you can thank Little Bird for that additional circle time. Awoke at 4am and could not get her back down! Yawn! So had ample time to do a post this morning. After two days of a 5am start and one at 4am I feeling a little worse for wear! I hope she moves through this stage asap! (:
Hello! Thanks for your recent comment on my blog. It's always nice to "meet" other parents living abroad. Our location might be more exotic but I would rather be in the UK! I did a study abroad in London in college and traveled all over the UK and loved it. Lots of expats from the UK here in the UAE too. Ironically your comment is coming as I am becoming more interested in learning about the Montessori method.
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